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Lohmeyer, Hans, Dr.: Bürgermeister zu Königsberg 1919-1933

Die following images are available from the German Archives (Bundesarchiv -  I have uploaded them here because the German user interface is less than intuitive.


Hans Lohmeyer was Bürgermeister (mayor) of Königsberg / Kaliningrad from 1919 to 1933 when he was succeeded by Hellmuth Will.  In that time, Königsberg joined the German Reich (1919), Königsberg Devau Airport opened for air traffic (1921), the Königsberg City Museum was opened (1928) and the Central Railway terminal was completed (1929). [Wikipedia]

Launch of the cruiser "Königsberg" in March 1927
The Königsberg was launched in Wilhelmshaven.  The launch address was given by Dr. Hans Lohmeyer, mayor (Bürgermeister) of Königsberg in the presence of the Chief of the Navy Marine, Admiral Hans Zenker and other high-ranking members of the Weimar Government.

Opening of the House of the Federated German Press at Tiergartenstr. 16, Berlin on 31. March 1931
Bürgermeister Dr. Lohmeyer (left) in conversation with Prof. Hans Baluschek (right), a prominent painter and graphic artist.