News / Neues


29Jul -PfarrerLohmeier

6Apr -Feldpost

25Mar -Löhne

24Mar -Veltheim

25Feb -Lomeyger

3Feb -TheaterHalle

1Feb -VictorLohmeyer

30Jan -2 Thesen

24 Jan -WW1 Verluste

26Dez -Engl.Newspapers

11Dez -Ausw.N-Sachsen

2Dez -Minden 1488

28Nov -Varler Lohmeyer

12 Nov -Königsberg BM

7 Nov -Lohm.Orden

16 Okt -Bayr.Armee

15 Okt -Auswanderer

8 Okt -Lohm. Schweden

« Lohmeyer, Friedrich: Zimmermann in Minden (geb. vor 1660) | Main | Auswanderer die aus Britischen Häfen abfuhren (1890-1960) »

Lohmeyer Corporation in Japan

Lohmeyer Corporation is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of processed meat products and prepared food products. The Company manufactures and sells processed meat products, including hams and sausages, as well as prepared food products, including gratins, stews and traditional New Year's foods. The company is also involved in real-estate leasing.  Lohmeyer Corporation is quoted on the Tokyo stock exchange under the code "2893.T".

August LohmeyerThe company was founded in 1921 by August Lohmeyer, who produced the first meat products in Osaki, Tokyo. A picture of the founder is displayed on the company's website. August Lohmeyer was a sailor and came to be in Japan when his vessel was impounded in 1914 and he was interned.

The company website is at

More details about his internment and family details at